Fight the flu with chocolate?

by Stefanie Antorcha

Fight the flu with chocolate?

It’s February ladies!!!! Whether you are single, taken, or in a committed relationship with BeautyFit ☺ I can almost guarantee we will all celebrate Valentines with a little chocolate or two; maybe 5, 6, or 10 but who’s really counting. Not like we really needed it, but I am going to give you one more reason to go ahead and reach for that dark, delicious morsel.

Surprisingly, we are still in the midst’s of cold and flu season. Who’s been hit with this terrible pain in the bum? I know I have, and hard too. The coughing, the congestion, the sheer horror of it all, why must this happen?! What’s the best way to deal with the uncontrollable nagging, lingering cough?

Well beauties, the answer may just be chocolate!

In a recent study in England, researchers found that a chocolate based medicine call “rococo” may actually work BETTER than normal cough medicine. A equally divided group of individuals complaining of a severe cough were both given your typical cough medicine and Rococo. The group with the chocolate reported a “significant improvement” in symptoms within 2 days, while the medicated group reported none.

Essentially, I know you are waiting for the big let down here, but I don’t have one!!! The simple answer is YES! Research shows that sucking on a piece of chocolate can help to significantly reduce a cough! The best dosage? A pure piece of 100% dark chocolate placed in your mouth for 1-2 minutes. The longer the chocolate is in contact with your throat the better!

Happy Valentine’s day Beauties and happy cough suppressing!!!

Stefanie Antorcha
Stefanie Antorcha

IFBB Bikini Professional & CEO BamBody Nutrition

My name is Stefanie Antorcha and I am the owner of BamBody Nutrition. BamBody is a nutritional company that specializes in the most amazing, if I don’t say so myself, protein treats. As an IFBB bikini pro, wife, parent, and business owner life can get a little crazy… and by “little” I mean freaking out of control, spiraling in all different directions, why is that on fire, kind of crazy. However, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m a tremendous believer in creating, and maintaining, a healthy body from the inside out.

Essentially, as a certified nutritionist, professional competitor, and, well, all around real life superwoman (I’m just playing ya’ll) I have learned A LOT. By no means do I have the solution to everyone of life’s complicated situations, but with the knowledge I have accumulated over the years I do have a plethora of information I’m oozing to share! Follow along for some bomb recipes, killer workouts, and all around advice and support to be the superwoman I know you are!

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